24 February 2008


In the last couple of weeks I have discovered two very inspirational 'Dream Seedlings' (Dreams and Visions that have seeded in different earthlings').

They are very similar projects to Caldera Creations, Cycling Journeys across the land with the intent of raising consciousness and inspiring solution-based activism.

A dream born in Kenya has become a charitable organization of hopeful young people uniting as 'the Otesha Project'. Otesha, which means "reason to dream" in Swahili, was created to mobilize youth to create local and global change through their daily consumer choices.

There are alternatives to our culture of overconsumption, and each one of us has opportunities to have positive impacts every single day.

The Otesha Project's education programs and bicycle tours use theatre, multi-media, and storytelling to engage a wide range of audiences, and have reached more than 72,000 people to date.

Otesha’s performances focus on re-evaluating our daily choices to reflect the kind of future we'd like to see - rethinking what we really need, conserving resources, and voting with our dollars.

The aim is to demonstrate the positive effects our everyday choices can have, by living sustainably, changing the world, and having loads of fun--all at the same time!

We know that our current way of life is harming the planet and its inhabitants.

Only hope and action will remedy this.

For a better future, we each must re-evaluate our own actions and BE the positive change we want to see in the world.

What is sustainable consumption?

Sustainable consumption is about finding workable solutions to te world's imbalances - both social and environmental - through more responsible consumer behaviour. The aim is to ensure that the basic needs of the entire global community are met by reducing excess consumption and avoiding environmental damage.

What is meant by "being the change we wish to see"?

These words, first spoken by Gandhi, mean living acccording to our values. We know that everything we do has an impact on the world, and because we truly want a sustainable future, we question every single one of our personal actions. We try, with every action, to minimize the negative, and maximize the positive.

From getting dressed, to grabbing a coffee, to transporting ourselves to school or work, we know that we can either be contributing to child labour, exploitation of people and land, pollution and climate change, OR we can contribute to alternative income projects, fair trade and sustainable agriculture, and an emissions-free bicycle culture. The change we make in the world is up to us.

So we make that choice to 'walk the talk', to practice more sustainable consumption and be conscious consumers, to try to be 'morally coherent' in all of our choices - and thousands of others are making those choices too! The mindset is spreading - you can see evidence in grocery stores, sidewalks, public washrooms, coffee shops, and backyards across the country, as people everywhere are committing to being the change THEY wish to see in the world!

check out more @ The Otesha Project

If the discovery of 'the Otesha Project' wasn't exciting enough, I have also connected with another brothers 'Adventure for Sustainability'

His name is also 'Paul' and in true 'off-road touring style' is using the BOB Ibex Trailer and a Mountain bike to cycle 15,000km's, unsupported, around Australia to promote, raise awareness, educate and raise money for Sustainable Living.

Paul has planned to have 3 rest days in Kyogle, so hopefully we can connect and share our vision

Adventures for Sustainability

Sustainable Living Foundation

Stop every now and then.

Just stop and enjoy.

Take a deep breath.

Relax and take in the abundance of life.

19 February 2008

Earth Freq

Earth Freq is a weekend-long music, lifestyle and environment festival.

The concept of the Earth Frequency is not just a party, but a gathering of the tribes and a weekend of intention.

The focus is on creating a meaningful space to gather, where we can raise awareness and share useful information on environmental issues and sustainable lifestyle choices, consolidate community bonds with creative and fun activities, and provide a positive transformative party experience in the beautiful Australian outdoors.

This years gathering moved from Northern New South Wales, up over the border in South-East Queensland, in the beautiful and ecologically significant Goomburra Valley, just under the Main Range National Park boundary.

Since getting my BOB ibex trailer 2 weeks ago i have set the intention to go on a 100km + ride each weekend before I leave for North Queensland. So I packed my new yellow bike trailer and set-off on the 2 day ride over the Border, which was an absolutely magestic and energetically powerful route, going from Kyogle -> Woodenbong -> Legume -> Killarney -> Goomburra and up into Gordon Country on the western side of the Great Dividing Range.

The Journey was not without it's mechanical challenges, with the chain breaking 3 times, my back breaks failing AND a broken spoke. I can say without a doubt that i will now be looking for a decent bike to take me on future journeys around this magical planet.

I arrived at the festival site to catch up and connect with friends, old and new. An incredibly lush location which I eventually discovered is overflowing with ecological significance. After munching down a cook-up of Noodles and Tofu, made with much Love by Brother Tony, we headed down towards the main stage to stomp toes to some yummy sunset beatz. The Art and Decoré was simply devine, heaps of sacred geometry and Earth mandala banners.

I had an Early one on Friday night after 2 huge days of riding. Woke up early, and after a walk upstream, a swim in the Creek, some breakfast and a poo, I was ready to go and see and experience some environmental Talks and participate in a few of the Earth frequency workshops.

First up was Tai Chi & Chi Gong with Lizzy. Incredibly grounding and a feeling of peace and subtle present moment awareness instantly pervaded the space. Ther was a few familiar moves such as 'Painting Rainbows' and 'Moving Clouds', all to the cyclic rhythms of the Breath. We finished off with some slow and sutble Tai Chi walking, one step at a time, moment by moment.

Next up was a Talk by the beautiful Happy High goddess, Sarah. It is the Happy High Herb peoples mission to promote Legal High Herbs as safe alternatives to harmful illegal and legal drugs. Natural alternatives to 'legal' drugs such as alcohol, coffee and cigarettes face stark
oppression and restrictions by the political lobbying and biased influence from powerful profit driven pharmaceutical corporations. This woman knows her herbs and she is an absolutely beautiful human being.

I can say from experience that the 'Buzz' herbal high mix has activated a state of ecstasy and bliss within my heart and body at Woodford Folk Festival last year, so i chose to get one for Sunday morning dancing to my favourite progressive trance artist 'Sun Control Species' . These herbal mixes don't have come-down effects, are not energetically draining on your body and are in no way addictive.

Kali and Saphire gave a really inspirational and affirmative talk on 'Deep Ecology, Climate Change and Personal Activism'

The whole message and intent behind this talk was to

'Be the Change you Wish To See in the World'

These words, first spoken by Gandhi, mean living acccording to our values. We know that everything we do has an impact on the world, and because we truly want a sustainable future, we question every single one of our personal actions. We try, with every action, to minimize the negative, and maximize the positive.
From getting dressed, to grabbing a coffee, to transporting ourselves to school or work, we know that we can either be contributing to child labour, exploitation of people and land, pollution and climate change, OR we can contribute to alternative income projects, fair trade and sustainable agriculture, and an emissions-free bicycle culture. The change we make in the world is up to us. So we make that choice to 'walk the talk', to practice more sustainable consumption and be conscious consumers, to try to be 'morally coherent' in all of our choices - and thousands of others are making those choices too! The mindset is spreading - you can see evidence in grocery stores, sidewalks, public washrooms, coffee shops, and backyards across the country, as people everywhere are committing to being the change THEY wish to see in the world!

The next presentation was by a good friend and ecologist, Mark Graham (Zugga Zugga!)

Mark spoke of the ecological significance of the Goomburra Valley, and the whole Main Range National Park. This is the only area in the whole Murray-Darling catchment that has Sub-Tropical Rainforest, making it a very unique and biologically active section of Australia's once mighty river.

We went on a Bushwalk and Mark spoke with such passion about life and ecology, the interconnectedness of natures endless relationships, and how this is strengthened through ecological bio-diversity.

It has re-ignited my desire to study environmental science somewhere down the track.

This incredibly special range is a refuge for the beautiful Richmond birdwing butterfly, endangered birds (e.g. the eastern bristlebird), amphibians such as the Fleay's barred frog, and mammals such as the Spotted-tail quoll and the Hastings River mouse.

Next up was Marti Wiz-domes. Who is a wiz when it comes to creating geometric bamboo domes.

He gave a talk on how to build a bamboo style tree-house deck. It was really cool seeing how he works and what tools are used. I will live in one of these domes one day for sure.

once again, I slept on Saturday night, saving my energy for Sunday morning sunrise dance. This was the most powerful, trance induced dancing I have experienced in many years, so very energetically powerful.

This was the main morning of the festival and the energy was alive and pulsating from the very core of our existence. everyone had the most brightest smiles on their faces and spirits awakened by the common connection we have as bare footed 'beings' breathing life as one.

I feel truly blessed to be alive and surrounded by such amazing country. To experience mother natures finest amongst the company of open hearted friends, brought a huge smile to my face. This is one of my most favorite gatherings of the year.

Congratulations to Paul Abad and Crew.

“Globally and culturally we are undergoing an initiation.
We are moving out of the journey of the hero and the heroine
... that process of individuation.

An archetypal shift or initiation is occurring
where we are moving into the journey of partnership

the journey of the tribe.
The journey of partnership ... requires the spirit of cooperation and collaboration

... requires that we learn about collective leadership and collective wisdom.”
- Angeles Arrien, “The Second Half of Life” transcript

8 February 2008

Rainforest Ecology

The Beauty, Majesty, and Timelessness of a Primary Rainforest is indescribable. It is impossible to capture on film, to describe in words, or to explain to those who have never had the awe-inspiring experience of standing in the heart of the Earths most biologically diverse eco-systems.

The biodiversity of the Rainforest is so immense that less than 1 percent of its millions of species have been studied by scientists for their active constituents and their possible uses.

Antarctic Beech (Nothofagus moorei) 'Border Ranges National Park'

and yet ... We are losing Earth's greatest biological treasures just as we are beginning to appreciate their true value. Rainforests once covered 14% of the earth's land surface; now they cover a mere 5% and experts estimate that the last remaining rainforests could be consumed in less than 40 years.

The Rainforest has been described as the "Lungs of our Planet" because it provides the essential environmental world service of continuously recycling carbon dioxide into oxygen. More than 20 percent of the world oxygen is produced in the Amazon Rainforest. Other functions include rainfall generation, regional climate regulation, habitat conservation, watershed protection, and soil stabilisation - at local to global scales.

As the global economy grows, the natural resources that fuel this growth are being diminished at a rate that is unable to regenerate itself.

When an acre of topical Rainforest is lost, the impact on the number of plant and animal species lost and their possible use is staggering. Scientists estimate that we are losing more than 137 species of plants and animals every single day because of Rainforest deforestation.

"The worst thing that could happen during the 21st centuary is not energy depletion, economic collapses, limited nuclear war, or conquest by a totalitarian government. As terrible as these catastrophes would be for us, they can be repaired within a few generations. The one process ongoing in this centuary that will take millions of years to correct is the loss of genetic and species diversity by the destruction of natural habitats caused by Deforestation and Climate Change "

What are the solutions ?

How do we overcome fear, inertia and dispair ?

What will it take for us to W a k e U p ?

How do we awaken a state of Empowerment ?

These are questions I ask myself often, as I find it heart wrenching to see our collective actions (and inactions) causing irrevocable environmental and social degradation on planet Earth.

intellectually over-dwelling on the problem is a sure antidote for despair and disempowerment

and on the other hand

ignorance of the real issues leaves no pathways to take action and implement solutions

what is the answer ?

how do we live in harmony with nature and all beings

The question we must all ask ourselves now is "How can we meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

Our answer can be found in nature

and how we perceive nature


Fritjof Capra, author of 'The Hidden Connections: A Science for Sustainable Living' states;

We could use Nature as a model and a mentor, and design societies and communities that are in harmony with the basic principles of organization that Nature has evolved to sustain life. Nature contains ecosystems as sustainable communities; communities of animals, plants, and microorganisms that have evolved over billions of years so as to maximize their long-term survival or sustainability. So, we would have patterned our communities based on the long-term success of these natural communities, which means that we would use solar energy as our main energy source, including wind, biomass, and so on. We would have arranged our industries and our systems of production in such a way that matter cycles continuously, that all materials cycle between producers and consumers. In the nature there is zero waste, as every output is another systems input.

We would grow our food organically, and we would shorten the distance between the farm and the table, which is now thousands of kilometers, by producing food locally. We would also shorten the distance between the home and the workplace, so that we don’t need to use cars to go to work, we can bicycle or we can use public transportation, we can walk to work. All of this would combine to create a world that has dramatically reduced pollution, where climate change has been brought under control, where there would be plenty of jobs, because these various designs are labour-intensive, and as an overall effect there will be no waste, and the quality of life would increase dramatically.

The solutions are endless and nothing new has to be discovered (just a recognition of our connection to the whole). The key is to ACCEPT the current situation and move beyond doubt and fear and into the light of self-empowered Action.

Action could include growing some of your own veggies and fruit trees, Cycling or walking to work, Consuming less and spending more quality time with your loved ones or visiting natural eco-systems to learn from the masters by stepping outside your daily habitual patterns and resting in the presence of your being.

We know that our current way of life is harming the planet and its inhabitants.

Only HOPE and ACTION will remedy this.

For a better future, we each must re-evaluate our own actions and

BE the positive change we want to see in the world.