A combination of fatigue and possible ibuprofen over-dose (wisdom tooth pain! ouch) has left me feeling somewhat numb to the site of what is essentially a landscape containing less biological diversity then a desert eco-system, an endless sea of Palm Oil plantations.
This is the second time I've flown into Kuala Lumpur, and considering the Malaysia peninsular was once home to some of the Earths oldest rainforest communities, it is somewhat challenging to consider the conversion of these forests is still happening at a rapid pace in Borneo and Sumatra.
The 8 hour flight from the Gold Coast to KL was spent reading;
nothing could be more apt for me right now.
I really enjoyed this read. thanks for buying me this book, mum !
From the Blurb:
Yes, it was a powerful read.
Jane Goodall is a passionate scientist who clearly has a deep heartfelt connection the natural world. Many of the species in this book were truly on the brink of extinction, without human intervention they would have gone the way of the Dodo's and Dinosaur's. This book exemplifies our potential to be stewards of this Earth, protectors of the natural world and guardians of the Earths animal and plant kingdom.
It is inspiring and uplifting to know that, despite the unfathomable loss of biodiversity on the planet at the present moment, there are seeds of renewal spreading far and wide (perhaps more then we could ever know).
Despite the gloomy predictions by some well-intention environmentalists, the planet is full of these very real and also metaphorical seeds; breaking free of the confines and security of dormancy, sinking their roots deep down into Earth, growing new shoots and opening up to the light of new possibilities.
This why I choose to direct my energy into projects that are pro-actively healing the Earth and our connection to that larger part of ourselves, whilst at the same time balancing this with acknowledging the darkness, the tragic loss of critical habitat and wilderness areas that are truly invaluable ecological service providers for all life on Earth.
"It is better to light a candle
then to curse the darkness"
Do you feel me ?
If we deny the reality of our collective impact on the biosphere, then we dwell in ignorance, and ultimately live a very shallow and self-centered existence.
Yet, if we constantly criticize the government, or humanity or even ourselves, we remain stuck in inertia, guilt and apathy.
Sometimes that balance is hard to find.
But somewhere in the middle, there is a powerful point (I am on a mission to find that sweet spot) where we can truly engage on 'Being the change we want to see in the world' whilst feeling the pain and hurt that allows us to respond from our heart but not letting it overwhelm and restrict our energies and ability to move forward and consciously create that shift in perspective.
It's like that T.S Elliot quote...
"Teach us to Care
and Teach us
Not to Care
..Teach us
to be Still"