17 March 2010

Kuala Lumpur

A combination of fatigue and possible ibuprofen over-dose (wisdom tooth pain! ouch) has left me feeling somewhat numb to the site of what is essentially a landscape containing less biological diversity then a desert eco-system, an endless sea of Palm Oil plantations.

This is the second time I've flown into Kuala Lumpur, and considering the Malaysia peninsular was once home to some of the Earths oldest rainforest communities, it is somewhat challenging to consider the conversion of these forests is still happening at a rapid pace in Borneo and Sumatra.

The 8 hour flight from the Gold Coast to KL was spent reading;

"Hope for animals and their world" 
by Jane Goodall.



nothing could be more apt for me right now.

I really enjoyed this read. thanks for buying me this book, mum !

From the Blurb:

At a time when animal species are becoming extinct on every continent and we are confronted with bad news about the environment nearly every day, Jane Goodall, of the world's most renowned scientists, brings us new hope for the future of the animal kingdom. With the insatiable curiosity and conversational prose that have made her a bestselling author, Goodall - along with Cincinnati Zoo director Thane Maynard and co-author Gail Hudson - reveals fascinating survival stories about formerly endangered species whose populations are now recovering.

Goodall illuminates the heroic efforts of dedicated field biologists and the critical need to protect and restore habitats of these irreplaceable species. At once a celebration of the animal kingdom and a passionate call to arms, Hope for Animals and Their World presents an uplifting, motivating message for the future of animal-human co-existence.

Yes, it was a powerful read.

Jane Goodall is a passionate scientist who clearly has a deep heartfelt connection the natural world. Many of the species in this book were truly on the brink of extinction, without human intervention they would have gone the way of the Dodo's and Dinosaur's. This book exemplifies our potential to be stewards of this Earth, protectors of the natural world and guardians of the Earths animal and plant kingdom.

It is inspiring and uplifting to know that, despite the unfathomable loss of biodiversity on the planet at the present moment, there are seeds of renewal spreading far and wide (perhaps more then we could ever know).

Despite the gloomy predictions by some well-intention environmentalists, the planet is full of these very real and also metaphorical seeds; breaking free of the confines and security of dormancy, sinking their roots deep down into Earth, growing new shoots and opening up to the light of new possibilities.

This why I choose to direct my energy into projects that are pro-actively healing the Earth and our connection to that larger part of ourselves, whilst at the same time balancing this with acknowledging the darkness, the tragic loss of critical habitat and wilderness areas that are truly invaluable ecological service providers for all life on Earth.

"It is better to light a candle 
then to curse the darkness"

Do you feel me ?

If we deny the reality of our collective impact on the biosphere, then we dwell in ignorance, and ultimately live a very shallow and self-centered existence.

Yet, if we constantly criticize the government, or humanity or even ourselves, we remain stuck in inertia, guilt and apathy.

Sometimes that balance is hard to find.

But somewhere in the middle, there is a powerful point (I am on a mission to find that sweet spot) where we can truly engage on 'Being the change we want to see in the world' whilst feeling the pain and hurt that allows us to respond from our heart but not letting it overwhelm and restrict our energies and ability to move forward and consciously create that shift in perspective.

It's like that T.S Elliot quote...

"Teach us to Care
and Teach us
Not to Care
..Teach us
to be Still"


2 March 2010

2 Weeks Until Departure

Greetings Fellow Earthlings !!!

the Caldera Creations Blog has been revived from the depths of cybernetic undergrowth.

New visions unleashed on the world wide Web of Life ~

In 2 weeks I shall be leaving the lush sub-tropics in the midst of an unusually moist wet-season, to explore Malaysia (Sabah, Borneo), India (Auroville) & Thailand (Chiang Mai).

Follow the journey as I document ecological restoration programs in these three countries whilst also exploring more of the Earths biological treasures ...

Here is a visual taste of Last years adventure to Sumatra, Indonesia ...

The Critically Endangered Sumatran Orangutan ((Pongo abelii)

less than 6000 survive on the Island of Sumatra, Indonesia

The Sumatran Orangutan is more arboreal than its Bornean cousin; this is said to be because of the presence of large predators like the Sumatran Tiger.

The Sumatran Orangutan is more social than its Bornean counterpart. Groups of these orangutans gather to feed on the mass amount of fruiting on the fig trees

Orangutans are with an ability to reason and think. This large, gentle red ape is one of our closest relatives, sharing 97% of the same DNA as humans.

Indigenous peoples of Indonesia and Malaysia call this ape “Orang Hutan”
literally translating into English as “People of the Forest.”

An Orangutan Nest.
They are waterproof and every night they build a new one...

Below is the Sumatran Lar Gibbon (Hylobates lar vestitus),
also known as the Sumatran White-handed Gibbon

Black Giant Squirrel (Ratufa bicolor)

The steamy rainforest of Sumatra are one of the Earths truly remarkable biological 'hot-spots'. Home to distinct Sumatran species of Elephant, Tiger, Rhinoceros, as well as Gibbon, Sun-Bears, 9 species of Hornbill (we saw 5), Leopard Cats and 3 species of monkey.

Gem and I spent many days and nights trekking the rainforest,
exploring the wonders of Sumatra beneath the canopy.
Deeply immersed within the heart of a biological wonderland.

Lying back in the hot-springs, surrounded by more species I could ever poke a stick at,
was one of the most relaxing, spiritually grounding experiences of my life.

Climbing a waterfall; Lake Toba
One of the many active volcanoes on the Indonesia archipelago

and now for some inspirational Quotes:

"A human community that lives in a mutually beneficial relation with the surrounding earth is a community, we might say, that lives in truth.

The ways of speaking common to that community – the claims and beliefs that enable such reciprocity to perpetuate itself – are, in this important sense, true. They are in accord with a right relation between these people and their world.

Statements and beliefs, meanwhile, that foster violence toward the land, ways of speaking that enable the impairment or ruination of the surrounding field of beings, can be described as false ways of speaking – ways that encourage an unsustainable relation with the encompassing earth.

A civilization that relentlessly destroys the living land it inhabits is not well acquainted with truth, regardless of how many supposed facts it has amassed regarding the calculable properties of its world.

- David Abram


The human drama is reaching its denouement. The great unveiling is approaching, a time when the power structures of the world begin to crumble and people of the heart sing out a new truth. Many voices are joining the chorus, many feet are walking the path, many minds are dreaming possibilities for a magnificent future. For beneath the crises that are looming at every level of civilization, the global heart is awakening, beating out the rhythm of a new and glorious dance, calling us to a better way of living.

- Anodea Judith


Our divine mission on earth is to transform our lives. To allow the purity of our heart to inspire joy and nourish our soul. Awaken to who you truly are and the dance of your spirit will be one of ethereal exploration and life changing insight. Live with abundance and joy as you connect with the light and create powerful intentions. Life is a sacred altar and our prayers are gifts of love. Let us pray!

- Micheal Teal


"You have noticed that everything as Indian does is in a circle, and that is because the Power of the World always works in circles, and everything tries to be round.....

The Sky is round, and I have heard that the earth is round like a ball, and so are all the stars. The wind, in its greatest power, whirls. Birds make their nest in circles, for theirs is the same religion as ours....

Even the seasons form a great circle in their changing, and always come back again to where they were. The life of a human is a circle from childhood to childhood,
and so it is
in everything where power moves.

- Black Elk
