11 December 2016

The Call

"The call often begins very softly. Many of us try to ignore it until we have no choice but to listen. It can be an irritating, nagging feeling of dissatisfaction, an inner realization that there is something we need to do but don't know quite what. It can be a remembering of some childhood purpose or mission. Synchronistic events in life can signal such a a call. The call comes from the Soul, urging us on in our personal process of individuation. It can be a call to deepen into Spirit, rediscover and embody repressed talents, heal wounded parts of ourselves, and be of service."

- Sylvia Shaindel Senensky 

Artwork by Anna Dittmann Illustration

The Planet Does Not Need More Successful People.

8 December 2016

It's your road

It's your road, and yours alone. others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.

~ Rumi

Image: Lars van de Goor

20 November 2016

The Wetiko Virus

"Built into the very fabric of the system of wetiko is a progressive disincentive for its members to realize the level of depravity into which they have fallen. What keeps us stuck in denial is an inner self-protective mechanism that shields us from the overwhelming awfulness of the shock that would necessarily ensue if we were to consciously experience and shake off the lies that we have been living, a disillusionment that would be too much for most people to bear.
The major obstacle blocking us from seeing through our own self-deception is our unwillingness to consciously experience the pain, shame, guilt, mortification, and trauma of this realization. Part of this realization is dealing with the shock of realizing that we have given away our power to those in positions of power over us who have misused that power; it is quite a shock to realize that those who were supposed to be protecting us were the very ones from whom we most needed protection.
These multilevels of realization literally shatter our self-image, our identity of who we think we are, as well as our sense of belonging to a collective, social fabric. It is truly an unforgettable, soul-shattering moment when we have the courage to look in the mirror and see that we have been "out of our minds," "beside ourselves," having suffered a genuine "break from reality," in the sense that we have been unwittingly supporting the collective madness and have been complicit in our own victimization.
To see the magnitude of the depraved situation we have been faithfully living in and to realize how sick we have become can be so overwhelmingly traumatic that we shun its onset, as this horrifying realization has programmed within it a counter-incentive to fully experience itself. What is required from us is a courage and clarity analogous to that experienced by cult members who with brutal honesty snap out of their collective brainwashing and repudiate the systems of belief in which they were held in thrall.
Realizing our complicity in the collective madness is simultaneously liberating and traumatizing, creating higher orders of freedom while simultaneously inducing a form of PTSD, itself a form of madness.
In other words, to realize how we have been part of the collective madness is truly "shocking" and induces a form of madness, just as trauma can literally cause a fever in a person. The fever is potentially the organism's way of metabofizing and healing the trauma, just as the trauma of seeing how perilously asleep we've been can propel us to wake up. This form of trauma can potentially so "shake us up" that it can snap us out of our fear-based, frozen paralysis of feeling stuck and can mobilize and inspire us into empowered action.
Paradoxically, it is the trauma itself that activates the response in us which potentially leads to its own; creative resolution. In these moments of shock we have the opportunity to break our habitual patterns, see through our implicit assumptions, snap out of our denial, and step out of our programming so as to literally rewire ourselves.
These shocks are like gaps in our awareness that are open doorways to potentially higher orders of freedom. These brief moments in time don't last very long, however, so it is important to expeditiously go through these portals and take advantage of them when they are available. If we don't, there are backup systems in place for dealing with shocks within our psyche that can override this potential opening in our awareness and re-install the ruling, reigning mechanical programming within our wetikoized mind."
~ Paul Levy, Dispelling Wetiko
"Buffers' are created slowly and gradually. Very many 'buffers' are created artificially through 'education.' Others are created under the hypnotic influence of all surrounding life. A man is surrounded by people who live, speak, think, and feel by means of 'buffers.' Imitating them in their opinions, actions, and words, a man involuntarily creates similar 'buffers' in himself.
'Buffers' make a man's life more easy. It is very hard to live without 'buffers.' But they keep man from the possibility of inner development because 'buffers' are made to lessen shocks and it is only shocks that can lead a man out of the state in which he lives, that is, waken him. 'Buffers' lull a man to sleep, give him the agreeable and peaceful sensation that all will be well, that no contradictions exist and that he can sleep in peace.
'Buffers' are appliances by means of -which a man can always be in the right. 'Buffers' help a man not to feel his conscience….Only a man who fully realizes the difficulty of awakening can understand the necessity of long and hard work in order to awake. Speaking in general, what is necessary to awake a sleeping man? A good shock is necessary. But when a man is fast asleep one shock is not enough. A long period of continual shocks is needed.”
~ Gurdjieff, In Search of the Miraculous

Confirmatory bias and cognitive dissonance

Confirmatory bias, cognitive dissonance, emote control, and (unconscious) psychological defense from a basic psychological and neurological perspective relating to politics and people identified with/supporting their chosen party/candidate/side and resulting views of the "opposition", affection the "punishment-reward" circuit in the brain, like addicts looking for a "fix":
“A recent imaging study by psychologist Drew Westen and his colleagues at Emory University provides firm support for the existence of emotional reasoning. Just prior to the 2004 Bush-Kerry presidential elections, two groups of subjects were recruited – fifteen ardent Democrats and fifteen ardent Republicans. Each was presented with conflicting and seemingly damaging statements about their candidate, as well as about more neutral targets such as actor Tom Hanks (who, it appears, is a likable guy for people of all political persuasions). Unsurprisingly, when the participants were asked to draw a logical conclusion about a candidate from the other – “wrong” – political party, the participants found a way to arrive at a conclusion that made the candidate look bad, even though logic should have mitigated the particular circumstances and allowed them to reach a different conclusion. Here’s where it gets interesting.
When this “emote control” began to occur, parts of the brain normally involved in reasoning were not activated. Instead, a constellation of activations occurred in the same areas of the brain where punishment, pain, and negative emotions are experienced (that is, in the left insula, lateral frontal cortex, and ventromedial prefrontal cortex). Once a way was found to ignore information that could not be rationally discounted, the neural punishment areas turned off, and the participant received a blast of activation in the circuits involving rewards – akin to the high an addict receives when getting his fix.
In essence, the participants were not about to let facts get in the way of their hot-button decision making and quick buzz of reward. “None of the circuits involved in conscious reasoning were particularly engaged,” says Westen. “Essentially, it appears as if partisans twirl the cognitive kaleidoscope until they get the conclusions they want, and then they get massively reinforced for it, with the elimination of negative emotional states and activation of positive ones.”
Ultimately, Westen and his colleagues believe that “emotionally biased reasoning leads to the ‘stamping in’ or reinforcement of a defensive belief, associationg the participant’s ‘revisionist’ account of the data with positive emotion or relief and elimination of distress. ‘The result is that partisan beliefs are calcified, and the person can learn very little from new data,'” Westen says. Westen’s remarkable study showed that neural information processing related to what he terms “motivated reasoning” … appears to be qualitatively different from reasoning when a person has no strong emotional stake in the conclusions to be reached.
The study is thus the first to describe the neural processes that underlie political judgment and decision making, as well as to describe processes involving emote control, psychological defense, confirmatory bias, and some forms of cognitive dissonance.”
~ from “Evil Genes” by Barbara Oakley

16 November 2016

The Sheep and the Shepherd.

Two of the primary archetypal plugged-in humans are the sheep and the shepherd.

Are you one of the two?

Both have swallowed the drug and they are the sheep of the phantom matrix.

The Shepherd is a plugged-in human who’s holy grail is FAME and Self Glorification - even if only a handful ever attain it - with the help of today’s social media, every shepherd-wanna-be gets to be sedated by their 15 minutes of fame. 

A watered-down, more “justified” version of this holy grail is “the need for Success”. As long as “Success” is seen, compared and defined through the mirror of the other rather than through one’s own potential and inner sense of worth, value and self knowing, the shepherd will be reaping power over others, plugged in a “fight for ego survival” program, a carefully concealed hostility which is the most constant modality of humans functioning within the marketplace of the matrix. 

One thing the “successful” shepherd is not aware of, is that by achieving the worship and envy of others, by securing superiority and fake Godhood for a moment in time, the shepherd has become in reality dependent upon the other and therefore become the sheep of his swallowed addiction.

The sheep are plugged-in humans who needs someone to worship and someone to debase. The sheep live through the glory of their master and take gratification from this act of worship; the closer they get to their master the more they feel tagged with glory. 

They either gave up their own dreams, didn’t dare to dream them or are feeding their dying fantasies from the delusion that they will one day attain similar glory themselves. 

At the core of this is a sense of self-judgment, self-loathing and unworthiness. 

On the other hand, the sheep look down upon those whom they perceive as inferior to them, and likewise find fulfillment in this act of debasement.

Having seen through the matrix, through the program, through the drug, an Unplugged human’s holy grail becomes FREEDOM. 

Unplugged humans couldn’t give a hoot about being liked, accepted or worshiped. 

They are free from all opinions, expectations and validations from others, including oneself because they are simply aware that such needs are inorganic programs originated from the matrix, especially their own criticizing, self-loathing voice. 

They are aware that true Freedom entails a complete annihilation of the false self-hood that plays within the phantom matrix.

When humans awaken to the glory of their expanded multi dimensional anatomy, they will no longer be invested in power struggle traps, nor enslaved to inorganic preset mental programs, they will instead plug into their inherent power which needs no eye to see it nor another to validate it. Hence one’s power becomes mastery of Self rather than mastery over the other.


~ Hoda Fadel

11 November 2016

We were made for these times

My friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time of almost daily astonishment and often righteous rage over the latest degradations of what matters most to civilized, visionary people.

You are right in your assessments. The lustre and hubris some have aspired to while endorsing acts so heinous against children, elders, everyday people, the poor, the unguarded, the helpless, is breathtaking. Yet, I urge you, ask you, gentle you, to please not spend your spirit dry by bewailing these difficult times. Especially do not lose hope. Most particularly because, the fact is that we were made for these times. Yes. For years, we have been learning, practicing, been in training for and just waiting to meet on this exact plain of engagement.

I grew up on the Great Lakes and recognize a seaworthy vessel when I see one. Regarding awakened souls, there have never been more able vessels in the waters than there are right now across the world. And they are fully provisioned and able to signal one another as never before in the history of humankind.

Look out over the prow; there are millions of boats of righteous souls on the waters with you. Even though your veneers may shiver from every wave in this stormy roil, I assure you that the long timbers composing your prow and rudder come from a greater forest. That long-grained lumber is known to withstand storms, to hold together, to hold its own, and to advance, regardless.

In any dark time, there is a tendency to veer toward fainting over how much is wrong or unmended in the world. Do not focus on that. There is a tendency, too, to fall into being weakened by dwelling on what is outside your reach, by what cannot yet be. Do not focus there. That is spending the wind without raising the sails.

We are needed, that is all we can know. And though we meet resistance, we more so will meet great souls who will hail us, love us and guide us, and we will know them when they appear. Didn't you say you were a believer? Didn't you say you pledged to listen to a voice greater? Didn't you ask for grace? Don't you remember that to be in grace means to submit to the voice greater?

Ours is not the task of fixing the entire world all at once, but of stretching out to mend the part of the world that is within our reach. Any small, calm thing that one soul can do to help another soul, to assist some portion of this poor suffering world, will help immensely. It is not given to us to know which acts or by whom, will cause the critical mass to tip toward an enduring good.

What is needed for dramatic change is an accumulation of acts, adding, adding to, adding more, continuing. We know that it does not take everyone on Earth to bring justice and peace, but only a small, determined group who will not give up during the first, second, or hundredth gale.

One of the most calming and powerful actions you can do to intervene in a stormy world is to stand up and show your soul. Soul on deck shines like gold in dark times. The light of the soul throws sparks, can send up flares, builds signal fires, causes proper matters to catch fire. To display the lantern of soul in shadowy times like these - to be fierce and to show mercy toward others; both are acts of immense bravery and greatest necessity.

Struggling souls catch light from other souls who are fully lit and willing to show it. If you would help to calm the tumult, this is one of the strongest things you can do.
There will always be times when you feel discouraged. I too have felt despair many times in my life, but I do not keep a chair for it. I will not entertain it. It is not allowed to eat from my plate.

The reason is this: In my uttermost bones I know something, as do you. It is that there can be no despair when you remember why you came to Earth, who you serve, and who sent you here. The good words we say and the good deeds we do are not ours. They are the words and deeds of the One who brought us here. In that spirit, I hope you will write this on your wall: When a great ship is in harbor and moored, it is safe, there can be no doubt. But that is not what great ships are built for.

By Clarissa Pinkola Estes

American poet, post-trauma specialist and Jungian psychoanalyst, author of Women Who Run With the Wolves.

10 November 2016

It was always an inside job

Renegades of Truth throughout the ages have told you the same over and over again...

“To bring about peace in the world, to stop all wars, there must be a revolution in the individual, in you and me. Economic revolution without this inward revolution is meaningless, for hunger is the result of the maladjustment of economic conditions produced by our psychological states; greed, envy, ill-will and possessiveness. To put and end to this sorrow, to hunger, to war, there must be psychological revolution and few of us are willing to face that.
We will discuss peace, plan legislation, create new leagues, the United Nations and so on; but we will not win peace because we will not give up our position, our authority, our money, our properties, our lives. To rely on others is utterly futile; others cannot bring us peace. No leader is going to gives us peace, no government, no army, no country.
What will bring peace is inward transformation, which will lead to outward action. Inward transformation is not isolation, is not withdrawal from outward action. On the contrary, there can be right action only when there is right thinking and there is no right thinking when there is no self-knowledge. Without knowing yourself, there is no peace.
An Ideal is merely an escape, an avoidance of what is, a contradiction of what is. An ideal prevents direct action upon what is. To have peace, we will have to love, we will have to begin not to live an ideal life but to see things as they are and act upon them, transform them. As long as each one of us is seeking psychological security, the physiological security we need; food, clothing and shelter, is destroyed.
The nationalist [identification with a nation/flag] is a curse because through his very nationalistic, patriotic spirit, he is creating a wall of isolation. He is so identified with his country that he builds a wall against another. What happens when you build a wall against something? That something is constantly beating against your wall. When you resist something, the very resistance indicates that you are in conflict with the other. So nationalism, which is a process of isolation, which is the outcome of the search for power, cannot bring about peace in the world. The man who is a nationalist, [identified with a country] and talks of brotherhood is telling a lie; he is living in a state of contradiction.
What causes war religious, political or economic? Obviously belief, either in nationalism, in an ideology, or in a particular dogma. If we had no belief but goodwill, love and consideration between us, then there would be no wars. But we are fed on beliefs, ideas and dogmas and therefore we breed discontent. The present crisis is of an exceptional nature and we as human beings must either pursue the path of constant conflict and continuous wars, which are the result of our everyday action, or else see the causes of war and turn our back upon them.
Obviously what causes war is the desire for power, position, prestige, money; also the disease called nationalism, worship of a flag; and the disease of organized religion, the worship of dogma. All these are the causes of war; if you as an individual belong to any of the organized religions, if you are greedy for power, if you are envious, patriotic, nationalistic, you are bound to produce a society, which will result in destruction. So again it depends upon you and not on the leaders; not on so-called statesman and all the rest of them.
Some of you will nod your heads and say, “I agree”, and go outside and do exactly the same as you have been doing for the last ten or twenty years. Your agreement is merely verbal and has no significance, for the world’s miseries and wars are not going to be stopped by your casual assent. They will be only stopped when you realize the danger, when you realize your responsibility, when you do not leave it to somebody else. If you realize the suffering, if you see the urgency of immediate action and do not postpone, then you will transform yourself.”
- J. Krishanmurti

2 October 2016

When the boys died...

I remember it like it was yesterday.

Mum and Dad had just left on a holiday to Thailand.

Jessie and Levi came around with some other mates and we hung out for the last time ever. I returned Jessie's orange sunglasses he had lent me a few weeks earlier to take to Dreamworld.

The next night I had some friends from the coast visit so I hung with them at the house and had an early night.

The next day we walked into town to get some videos and ran into a friend who was crying in disbelief. 'There was an accident.. Jessie, Eamonn and Levi died in a car accident at 5am this morning"

 It was a surreal what the fuck moment. A wave of confusion and shock was already beginning to spread through the small township of Kyogle.

Jesse and Eamonn were brothers. A mother had lost two of her sons. The youngest, Levi, had 3 older sisters just like I do.

We all lost brothers that day.


The deeper reality of death and the impermanence of our lives became a lived reality.

The revelation that we are only here for a short time on this planet - that we will ALL die. And that it literally could happen at any given moment. It wasn't an old age thing for everyone.

I saw 2 of their bodies at the wake. It was actually an incredibly still and peaceful scene in a very sad and confusing way. Deeply and directly acknowledging the reality of their death.

This was at a point in my life where I was already deeply confused and searching for answers. There was an angst and anger rising in my being. School felt like a mind-control camp. I struggled to connect with my peers on an authentic level and felt 'between worlds'.

My dear parents had no idea how to deal with me and my mum lost her brother - Uncle Scott, an original Bra' Boy - to a drug overdose just a few years earlier.

I used drugs as both an escape from reality and as a tool for exploration and finding 'connection'. A double-edged sword that paradoxically expanded my awareness and held me back from the full flowering of my potential. I quickly rejected the mainstream and could see and feel the social conditioning and mind control processes in our education system.

The culture I was raised in had long since lost touch with the power of 'rites of passage' and the importance of how to guide a young boy into manhood.  How transform that anger into passion and purpose.

In an increasingly individualistic and consumer oriented society - the narrative was go to school, get job, getting married, have kids, work for retirement, die. If you didn't fit into that box, something wasn't quite right with you..

A few days after this event - still in complete shock at having lost 3 vibrant, radiant friends - I developed symptoms where one of my eyelids began to shut down and go droopy.

It all happened so quickly. No one had any idea what was going on.

After what felt like an endless merry-go-round visiting doctors and 'eye' specialists (who, ironically, were not able to look me directly in the eye) - I was diagnosed with an 'auto-immune disease' which they labelled as myasthenia gravis. 

The doctors suggested I try out a new range of pharmaceutical drugs to treat my 'symptoms' which required special permission from Canberra to access.

**Disclaimer: A couple of years before this my appendix burst and I was saved by the incredible work of emergency doctors who operated on me. Western medicine has its place for emergency situations - it has just been corrupted by a mechanistic worldview and the buying power of 'big pharmaceutical companies' with little to no understanding of how to treat the underlying dis-ease.. this is a whole other topic***

So this new fancy drug gave me some very strange side effects and felt wrong on every level of my being. I had inadvertently become a guinea pig for a new pharmaceutical product. We trusted the system - because at the time we didn't know any better - and listening to my intuition was not something I had fully understood, yet.

With the love and support of my family on a mission for answers, we exhausted nearly all our options in the mainstream medical system - nothing was working and my eyes were increasingly sensitive to light exposure. The overwhelming focus was aimed at treating the symptom rather than the underlying cause. 

After an exhausting and fruitless search, my mother sat and prayed and asked for guidance for her son. Over the following days a close family friend suggested we explore some alternative options, and they told us about a place called 'Mauri Natural Therapy' in Lismore, run by Paul and Phoebe Hoogendyk.

Unlike all my doctor visits  - this was a completely different experience.

It absolutely changed my life... and I remain anchored in the deepest sense of gratitude for having been guided into the lives of these two incredible beings.

Phoebe and Paul Hoogendyk of 'Ancient Pathways'

The first thing I noticed, After the warm welcome by Phoebe into the clinic, was Paul seemed to be looking directly into my entire being. He has a glint in his eye very different from the dozen or so medical professionals who were unable to help me in any way.

I felt seen - and this was both comforting and somehow curiously confronting.

Although I didn't fully understand it at the time, he was reading my subtle energy field to see where the imbalance was presenting in my body.

After some mention of spleen and liver imbalances, We had a chat and Paul asked me 'so what are you doing to express your creativity? 

 No medical practitioner had ever asked such a question. This in itself was a massive paradigm shift.

I let him know I had been exploring photography as a way of connecting deeper with nature and making mandala art on my computer. He wanted to see my work.

It was the beginning of a long friendship - and they told me things openly about their incredible journey around the world connecting with ancient indigenous earth wisdom keepers.

Paul looked at me with a smile and knowing glint in his eye. 'you have to express 
yourself creatively Paul - this is how you get your energy' 

He placed some acupuncture needles along specific meridians on my back and played some deeply nurturing relaxation music - I drifted off and 'came to' as Paul returned into the room what felt like 15 minutes later.

I could never remember what happens - and where I go - during these treatments.

Artwork by Autumn Skye Morrison.

It feels like waking from a dream.

A spacious and pervading sense of peace and clarity. It's as if you have been taken back to the source of everything and returned to your body energetically re-aligned.

There was never any focus on the eye itself - this was just a symptom. The Focus was directed towards putting the whole body back into alignment and allowing the healing to happen naturally from within.

My body healing itself!

After talking a bit more I told Paul about the recent loss of my 3 friends - it became clear that the physical manifestation of this imbalance in my body had a connection to unexpressed grief triggered by this major life event.

It was a trigger.

an opening.

I returned every 2 weeks for a few months as my energy came into balance and over time the symptoms disappeared. The eye became my bodies barometer to indicate if my energy was getting low or out of balance.

It was actually another hidden gift. A way to stay energetically balanced and prevent depletion. Being energetically sensitive I've always felt I have to protect my energy.

Although I was hyper sensitive to my surroundings and energy - I was learning how to stay grounded by gardening, nature connection and finding my power spots.

Around this time my dad was guided through his own higher self connection to introduce me to the Dalai Lama's latest book, 'The Art of Happiness', and with his encouragement I began my conscious spiritual journey; exploring meditation and reading books that helped me to remember again how we create our own realities,  cultivating compassion and the power of our thoughts and setting a clear intent in our lives - having a vision and trusting in something greater than ourselves to guide us and work through us.

I also began experimenting with psychedelics and 'plant medicines' gaining downloads of new awareness. I struggled, like most do initially, to 'ground' the new energy and at some point along the journey I began to lose touch with this awareness, based on some very limiting hidden agreements I had told myself.

I had shut down a part of my awareness and the direct link to my higher self and this neglect of my true nature meant a long journey where many of my gifts and intuitive powers were either neglected or used in the shadow.

Of course I was guided all along, but my direct access to that deeper awareness and intuitive connection had gathered dust and these blocks prevented me from 'going within' and 'connecting daily'. Perhaps it is part of the calling to come to Earth and get thoroughly lost so as to find yourself?

All along I was learning so much - there is no 'right or wrong path' - all rivers lead to the ocean, yet there is a long path home - and there are eddy's in every river. We have to gently guide ourselves back onto the path.

Remembering all along that the journey itself is the destination.

Mistakes and 'failures' can teach us so much. If we don't fully learn the lesson, it will keep coming back in new forms - until we learn the lesson and evolve or have a crisis or breakdown in our lives which ultimately leads to a personal evolutionary breakthrough. We have to be hyper aware of patterns that repeating and find ways to turn into the pain and face the discomfort.

Through my perceived failures I was constantly learning and being guided to fine tune my skills and passion for earth care and creativity - whilst understanding the crucial importance of people care - and how the stories we tell ourselves - and others - have incredible power.

Now I'm being called to master radical self-care and self-love. Creating clear boundaries. Being authentic and true to myself. Giving myself permission to feel.

I've been on this planet for 30 years and it has become as clear as the morning sun.

We are spiritual beings having a human experience. 

This is no longer some kind of 'gut feeling' or intuitive sense or post magic mushroom buzz.

It's an absolute living reality.

The stories we tell ourselves hold incredible power. How do you connect to the larger story of humanity and life on Earth?

Do we harbour a self-fulfilling ecocidal worldview (that human beings are seperate from nature and a parasitic force on the planet?)

Do we hold onto a monotheistic religious worldview that allows access to the love and the light through a 'middle-man' (Jesus, Mohamad, etc!) but has shutdown the direct connection to your higher self and this beautiful planet Earth is neglected because it is not as sacred as the afterlife or some other story where we project nivanna into the future if we follow some cult guidelines?

Do we have a 'new age spiritual worldview' and its all love and light - whilst spiritual bypassing our shadow and the work of facing the parts of us that are more challenging and uncomfortable?

Or are we simply 'between stories' in the liminal zone.

Many of us have been operating almost completely in our heads - from a place of fear, lack, scarcity, shame, guilt, etc - classic matrix mind control where our ego is in the drivers seat and because of this we have neglected the deeper stirring of our hearts infinite wisdom.

Our socially programmed masks are loosing their power and our polarised binary thought prisons are crumbling.

Heart and Head combined.

It's the year of the Monkey - whats old stories have the monkey mind been telling over, and over..?

Like a record on repeat - are these stories holding us back from our full potent potential?

Have we allowed the inner monkey to play? to explore, to climb, to enjoy community, to make deep, passionate love to life and be intimate with each other?

So if you've read this far, where to from here?

(I'm ultimately talking to myself here!.. maybe none of this applies to your journey... This is my higher self giving me some guidance..)

Connect daily. 

The breath is the portal - so take a big breath now.

Deep into your heartspace.

And receive all that you need and release all that no longer serves you.

The Earth is the sacred temple - what we are doing to the Earth is but a reflection of our own inner turmoil.

It takes a thousand times more courage to heal yourself than it does to fix the world.

In one sense it appears that 'Time' is running out on planet Earth for the human species; deforestation, climate change, soil depletion - and yet it has never been more important to slow down. To actually stop, surrender and let go. To release a sense of panic and urgency. To fully trust our intuitive guidance system. Our inner tuition.

Artwork by Eduardo Rodriguez Calzado

Right now is the time to Step into radical self-empowerment and release the old limiting stories of being a victim or being held back by external factors.

Own your life completely.

Get out of your own way.

Connect daily.

And feel.
Whatever wants to be felt.

Connect with yourself, with nature, with your inner-most being.

Listen. Listen so deeply you can feel answers to questions you never knew you had.

Connect every single day to your higher self, that part of yourself that guides you. Face the parts of yourself that frighten you the most - that you have most neglected - that scare the living daylights out of you.

What triggers you? (activates a reaction in you / makes your body squirm).

What turns you on, activates you and get's you in the flow zone?

What excites you to the core of your being?

What is it you most repress?

Perhaps your sexuality?

Perhaps your relationship to money or power?

Have you been playing small because at some point in your ancestral lineage you were taught to hide your gorgeous, beautiful, powerful truth?

Are we still operating on a competitive frequency in any way? How can we shift this to collaboration and co-creation?

Perhaps this served a purpose at an earlier stage of your evolution, but now it no longer serves you or the world. It is time to transcend these old outdated stories.

Make friends with your ego, let the mask become a play - rather than being played by the mask.

What triggers you? How is your relationship to your mother? to your father? Your siblings? To the Earth? What patterns keep playing out?

Can you find self-forgiveness? Can you dig deep and release attachment to old wounds? Do you hold a grudge with anyone? Can you find and release that inside yourself?

In the crevasses of where the old wounds lived - where the old patterns played out like a record on repeat - Dig deep into this fertile space and plant a new seed - a new vision - of the life your heart most desires.

Make this vision as clear as the morning sun.

Write it down or make a vision board.

Be very specific.

And then step back. Surrender and be guided by your intuition.

Completely release attachment to an outcome or agenda.

Nurture this connection every single day from a place of love, passion and flow.

New Moon Affirmation/Statement:

"I have so much to gift this world, so much love to share and connections to nurture, creations to create, people to share with. 

I have so much to give, like a spring bud bursting with new life and new energy...

I'll have no choice but to spend twice as long doing no-thing, just 'be-ing' and 'breathing' - listening deeply.

I'll spend thrice as long meditating, drawing, writing, wandering gently through the forest looking at all life from a beginners mind - observing and interacting - exploring the rivers - making love in the forest - getting smoke in my eyes as the fire crackles and the stars above twinkle. 

I'll have to spend twice as a long listening. deep listening. 

Listening to the wind, to the sound of the morning mist clearing, to the frogs and the birds and the bees... from this place of connection I shall move out into the world with my mission"

25 August 2016

Brindle Creek

These Gondwanan Rainforests of Australia are the most extensive swathes of subtropical rainforest left on Earth - cloaking the caldera of a 23 million year old extinct volcano.

There really are no words for the beauty and energy of this sacred place.

In ecology the edge where two ecological communities overlap is known as an 'ecotone' - the McPherson ranges forms a kind of larger scale bio-regional ecotone - which is known as the Macleay-McPherson overlap, a phyto-geographical zone characterised by the presence of both tropical and temperate species.

Many of the plants that occur here are at the limits of their distributions, such as the Antarctic Beech (Nothofagus moorei) an ancient temperate rainforest genus once found growing on the continent of Antarctica - they've retained their niche in the high altitude sections of the Border Ranges National Park. This area is listed as one of the worlds mega biodiversity hotspots and is World Heritage listed thanks to the legendary efforts of earlier conservationists to preserve and protect this place forever.

You can return to this place in an instant 

a thousand times more alive than your most prized photograph, your most lush high definition video captured moment, your most creative conceptual understanding of its eco-systemic-ness. 

Moss dripping from old volcanic rocks cloaked in rainforest leaves you thirsty for much more than just pure mountain water. 

There is something up there which is both pre and post historic ~ old, ancient, yet timeless~ existing right now as a field of energy entirely unto itself. 

hidden realms of pure ecology.

If you can just manage to be still for a moment - alone - you will feel it.