"Aloneness is a time to reflect, integrate, and contemplate. All of us need our cave, our inner sanctum where we can replenish, rejuvenate, and gain a fresh energy and perspective on what life has been delivering to us. The masculine part of us thrives on solitude, where all parts can regather, commune, and emerge anew. Being alone is being all-one. You silently sound a call for yourself to hear the voice of the soul and relax all parts of yourself into wholeness.
This is a redemptive act: to recollect and reunite all parts of yourself around the pillar of the One. In this gathering, we recollect ourselves and return to our source, our original wholeness. Aloneness gives you an opportunity to hear your true nature, the still, small voice within, that always knows. This voice, always present, follows the guidance of your pure soul in all situations.
This still, small voice within serves to bring you into divine will, which serves love. Surrendering to divine will allows our highest potential to manifest. It wants only the best for us. Often we do not know what is best for us, what will lead us to true joy and happiness and the strength of unspeakable peace. When we flow with divine will, it releases us from the compulsive need to do, and we surrender to what is happening in our present experience of life right now. We see that our identity, our sense of value, our love, our strength, and our peace do not depend on doing.
Divine will is most deeply felt and understood when you are alone. You can hear it better! Aloneness is a soothing balm that welcomes deeper, softer emotions within you, gently, gradually, easing and cradling your heart in this tender flow. As Hafiz shares in his poem "Absolutely Clear," "Don’t surrender your loneliness so quickly. Let it cut more deep. Let it ferment and season you as few human or even divine ingredients can." Loneliness, sadness, tenderness and deep healing happen in the heart sitting in solitude. Our deepest pain, our need for love that has not been met and fulfilled, arises. We feel it, we surrender to its sacred tears, and we become a little bit more whole.
Many of us are scared of true connection and true relationship because we have not truly connected with certain parts of ourselves. In connecting with our newly discovered aspects we can also let go of security devices and strategies that we have built as crutches for walking in the world, which all prevent us from being open, transparent, and living in trust with self, other, and life itself. In feeling seen, our isolated aloneness can dissipate into forgiveness and closeness.
When you are willing to experience the depths of aloneness, you will discover connection everywhere. Turning to face your fear, you meet the warrior who lives within. Opening to your loss, you gain embrace. Each condition you flee from will pursue you. Each condition you welcome will transform you. Aloneness and true silence is a powerful force that can carve us open. As Mooji has often shared in his satsangs, "Only when you can face and bear your own silence will you be free."
Silence and stillness happen in mind, body, and soul. In the mind, everything ceases. The body finally rests. The soul takes its rightful place as ruler, and you are allowed to be the hero. Silence cannot be forced. From the souls feeling wisdom, silence occurs when your emotions are felt, released, and brought into wholeness. Any emotional disturbance still left in you manifests as the inability to go into silence. As the soul is master of the spirit, and spirit is the vehicle of soul, true silence rests in simply having no emotional healing left to do within you.
Solitude, when you are alone and without any human contact at all for a period of time, can center you in your deeper self. Science has shown that your brainwaves change after seventy-two hours in Nature, without other humans or electrical interference, such as Internet, phones, or electricity. Your mood changes, becomes lighter, more connected, more rounded. Your mind-set relaxes and you feel yourself again, without interference, emotional resonance, or vibrational information from others. You can rest in yourself at last. Your DNA is constantly emitting, emanating, and vibrating information from its spiral helixes into your body, mind, soul, environment, and other people in your immediate surroundings. Going into solitude in Nature, alone, brings forth a wonderful invitation to resonate only with yourself and find out more of who you are and what stuff you are made of."
~ Anaiya Sophia & Padma Parakasha, Sacred Relationships